Baby Immunisations

woman in white bath towel

One of the best ways to protect your baby against diseases like measles, rubella, tetanus and meningitis is through immunisation.

Your baby needs their first injections at eight weeks, then 12 weeks, 16 weeks and one year.

Vaccinations are offered free of charge in the UK – just book your appointment with your GP. Remember, as well as protecting your own baby, you`re also protecting other babies and children by preventing the spread of disease.

Immunisations are given by our Practice Nurses or other Healthcare Professionals in accordance with the NHS vaccine schedule.

We currently have 2 baby clinics per week, which are all pre-booked appointments.

If you’re not sure whether you or your child have had all your routine vaccinations, ask your GP or practice nurse to find out for you. It may be possible to ‘catch up’ later in life.

Checklist of the vaccines that are routinely offered to everyone in the UK on the NHS, including the ages at which they should ideally be given is available on the NHS website.

If you’re not sure whether you or your child have had all your routine vaccinations, ask your GP or practice nurse to find out for you. It may be possible to ‘catch up’ later in life.

Try to make sure you or your child have vaccinations delivered on time to ensure protection against serious communicable diseases.
If you’re going to be away from the GP surgery when a vaccination is due, talk to your doctor.